Building Envelope

The "Perfect Storm" is here. Protect yourself with the right building envelope.

The built environment has been stagnant in terms of innovation for years. Suddenly, there is a perfect storm brewing forcing change amongst our industry's influencers. The trifecta of escalating material costs, skilled labor shortages, and increasing energy code requirements have combined at once to post a challenge that builders, architects, and engineers are scrambling to address. The good news is the AEC industry can combat this "perfect storm" by optimizing one key component of the building system - and that is the Building Envelope. This presentation will address what elements matter most in the envelope, what solutions exist for envelopes to combat the "perfect storm" and discuss the advantages of offsite/prefabricated vs. site framed building envelope systems.

Loren Groeschl, Territory Manager, Premier Building Systems, Colorado

CEUs: 1 LU|HSW AIA, 1 BPI, 1 NAHB, 1 NARI, and 1 RESNET credits
  • The "Perfect Storm" is here
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed