Building Envelope

High-Performance Homes - A Simpler Design Strategy

Building and energy codes are pushing builders beyond traditional minimum code wood-framed construction into a more building science-oriented ‘high-performance’ home that requires testing for verification to meet specific standards. To meet these requirements, the new wood framed wall assemblies require more components and more attention to detail, all of which adds construction time, material, and labor costs. The recognition by building science experts that thermal bridging, poor batt insulation applications, and air sealing issues have a direct influence on performance in the short term and the long term for these homes is noteworthy. Having almost 50 years of experience, plus new comparative wall assembly testing, the insulated concrete form wall assembly should be recognized as a simple passive design solution, utilizing an airtight insulated thermal mass assembly, exceeding energy code requirements in all climate zones.
  • High-Performance Homes - A Simpler Design Strategy
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed